CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy
"FSKOREA" is a company that puts human rights first and fulfills social responsibility in all management activities, declares "human rights management that guarantees human dignity and value" and pledges to practice it as follows.
1                    Support and comply with international standards and norms for human rights, including the "UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights" and "SA8000," and adhere to all domestic laws related to human rights.
2                    Treat collaborating partners fairly and provide support for the practice of human rights management; suspend transactions in the event of human rights violations by collaborating partners.
3                    Do not discriminate in employment based on gender, disability, race, religion, nationality, region, social status, education, age, political orientation, etc., and provide a working environment of mutual respect and consideration.
4                    Provide employees with a safe and hygienic working environment.
5                    Ensure compliance with labor standards, related laws, and regulations, communicate details in employment regulations regarding wages, working hours, and work environment, and engage in open communication with employees.
6                    Guarantee employees' freedom of association and collective bargaining through labor unions, ensuring free communication through the Labor-Management Council.
7                    Legally employ employees in accordance with labor standards and employment regulations, conduct fair evaluations of employees in accordance with performance and evaluation regulations, and provide education for individual competency development and career management for all employees.
8                    Prohibit child labor and forced labor, adhere to all ILO (International Labor Organization) conventions ratified by the country, and comply with all labor principles and related domestic laws.
9                    Respect the human rights of all stakeholders, including local residents, collaborating partners, and relevant agencies.
10                  Comply with domestic and international environmental regulations and make efforts for environmental protection and pollution prevention.
11                  Prevent human rights abuses in advance, actively work towards remedies, and lead in human rights management through continuous human rights improvement activities.
Suite 707, Garden Towner, 328, Dobong-ro, Gangbuk-gu, Seoul, 10162, Korea | TEL. +82 2 900 2868
Ethical violation reporting (shyeom@fskorea.com)
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Copyright © 2016 - 2021 FSKOREA.CO.,LTD ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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Suite 707, Garden Towner, 328, Dobong-ro, Gangbuk-gu, Seoul, 10162, Korea
Ethical violation reporting (shyeom@fskorea.com) | TEL. +82 2 900 2868